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Update on the GeNA Garage Sale & Bake Sale

The GeNA core organizing committee has decided to postpone the garage sale/bake sale that was planned for September 9th. Our group of volunteers is learning as we go, and we realized with the community picnic the same weekend, it was more than we could realistically manage. We are now planning to do the garage sale/bake sale in the spring, possibly integrating some opportunities for local businesses as well.

To anyone who had been holding onto items to donate, we offer our sincere thanks for your generosity, and our apologies for the inconvenience of our plans changing. If you aren’t willing or able to hold onto your sale items until spring, we suggest the Kildonan MCC at 445 Chalmers as a great place to donate to. They accept donations Monday-Saturday from 9:30am-5pm.

Thanks for bearing with us, and for your support of GeNA!

Open post

You are invited! GeNA’s “Come Meet Your Neighbour Picnic”

The Glenelm Neighbourhood Association invites you to a “Come Meet Your Neighbour Picnic”

When: Sunday, September 10th, 3:30 – 7pm

Where:  Elmwood Park, aka Roxy Park, 380 Henderson Hwy | rain location: Gordon King Church at 127 Cobourg Ave

What:  Old-fashioned games with prizes for all ages, musical acts from the neighbourhood, a fabulous & free dessert bar, and an introduction to the Glenelm Neighbourhood Association

Who: anyone  … especially those in Glenelm

To Bring:  a picnic to feed those who are with you and something to sit on PLUS a desire to get to know your neighbours! Your sense of humour is also recommended 🙂

(photo credit: Kimberly Mears)


Open post

You’re Invited: Glenelm Community Safety Information Evening

GeNA invites all of those who live and work in our area to a Community Safety Information Evening.

Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Time: 7:00 p.m. (doors open at 6:30 p.m.)

Place: Gordon-King Memorial United Church, 127 Cobourg Avenue

Guest Speakers:

  • Wayne Elliott, Chair, Communications Committee, Winnipeg Crime Stoppers
  • Wendy Koenig, formerly from Citizens for Crime Awareness (CFCA)

This evening’s presentation will include information on personal safety, how to reduce property crime, and what each of us can do to be a good community member.  After the presentation there will be an opportunity for community members to discuss the possibility of starting a Neighborhood Patrol and any other safety initiatives individuals would like to discuss.  Our goal is to provide the residents with information and to start organizing some initiatives — bring your ideas! Refreshments will be served.

Open post

The Results are In! Glenelm’s First (and Hopefully Annual) Community Spring Cleanup

by Jacqueline van Leeuwen

Saturday, April 29th saw our first community clean-up. Approximately 15 residents of the Glenelm community came out to clean up our small corner of the world, and the weather cooperated to provide us with a perfect day.

Take Pride Winnipeg donated garbage bags and gloves, so we were all set to go. As the cleaning crew spread out in the neighbourhood picking up garbage from backlanes and streets, many residents came out to express their appreciation. Some neighbours also indicated that they were not aware that the clean-up was going to be happening.

This was our first community clean-up as the new GeNa, and a perfect way to make ourselves visible in the community. It was also great to meet people in the neighbourhood we haven’t met before.

A couple of take-aways from this experience for next time;

  • Post signs earlier and in more prominent areas
  • The church apparently has some ‘pickers’ (who knew?) for those of us who don’t bend as well as we used to…

Thank you to everyone who contributed in any way to the success of the day. See you next time!

Open post

Upcoming Event: Glenelm Community Clean-Up – April 29th, 2017

GeNA is excited to announce our first-ever community clean-up! Come on out on Saturday, April 29th, meet your neighbours, and help tidy the neighbourhood. We’ll meet at Gordon King Memorial United Church at 1pm, and provide participants with garbage bags, gloves, snacks and water.

If you’d like to join us, please help us plan for supplies and snacks by signing up at Hope to see many of you there!

GeNA is grateful for the support of Take Pride Winnipeg!

If the weather doesn’t cooperate, our rain date is the following Saturday, May 6th. If we do need to postpone, we’ll make a note of that here at and send an email out to our mailing list.

Open post

Upcoming Events in Our Area

April 1st: Rummage Sale at GKM 

Gordon King Memorial United Church is having a rummage sale on Saturday, April 1, 2017 from 9:30am-1pm. Household items, toys, furniture, clothing, etc.

April 6th: Women’s Self Defence Workshop 

Riverwood Church’s The Refuge program is holding a free women’s self defence workshop on Thursday, April 6th, 2017, 6:30-8:30pm at 325 Talbot Ave (The Firehall). Facilitated by Chris Friesen, this is a women’s-only event, with childcare provided. There is no charge, but registration is required.

To register, contact or call (204) 668-3181 ext. 220

April – June: Home Repair Workshops

There are several free home repair workshops coming up over the next few months as part of the Chalmers Community Renewal Initiative.

April 17: How to Find & Hire a Contractor
April 24: City By-law & Liveability/Manitoba Housing Repair Grants
May 1: How to Maintain your Home Exterior
May 8: How to Fix Electrical
May 15: Manitoba Hydro Program Info/How to Insulate Attics and Walls
May 29: How to Patch and Paint
June 5: Pest Control/How to Fix Foundations
June 12: How to Fix Plumbing

All workshops feature snacks, child minding and door prizes! To register, contact Liz (call/text) at204-333-9867 or

(photo credit: Eric Rothermel)

Open post

Attention Glenelm Shutterbugs!

Do you have an eye for capturing our picturesque neighbourhood? Want to share your images with the community? GeNA invites all residents to contribute photos to include on our website. Here are some examples of the types of photos we’re looking for:

  • Pictures of Elmwood (Roxy) Park
  • Pictures of Hespeler Park
  • Pictures of trees and street scenes
  • Pictures of community events
  • Historical pictures
  • Pictures from each season

If you’re willing to give permission to the Glenelm Neighbourhood Association to use your photos, send them to We can’t guarantee that all photos will be used, but appreciate all submissions.

(photo credit: Jean-Pierre Brungs)

Open post

2017 AGM Recap

GeNA held a successful inaugural AGM on Wednesday, January 25th. Here are a few of the highlights:

  • Our new board was elected: co-chairs David Pensato and Emma Durand-Wood, secretary Shauna MacKinnon, and treasurer Rosalie Block
  • Brock Feenstra shared an update on the progress of the Glenelm and Chalmers Local Area Plan project: residents will have opportunity to provide feedback during the development of a neighbourhood background study to be presented to city council, with the support of the municipal planning department.
  • Dale Karasiak brought greetings from the Chalmers Neighbourhood Renewal Association and told us about CNRC’s efforts to negotiate a plan to revitalize the former gas station site/empty lot at the corner of Henderson and Johnson.
  • Kara Plett invited anyone with a home business in Glenelm to submit their details to be listed in a directory on the website. (Email details
  • Arlene Reid shared a bunch of upcoming events in Glenelm and surrounding area.
  • David Pensato unveiled the brand-new GeNA website ( and Emma Durand-Wood shared that GeNA has published four newsletters since October 2016, and our mailing list has 84 subscribers (February 22nd update: now at over 100!)
  • Emma Durand-Wood gave an update on the “Welcome to Glenelm” sign project on behalf of Joanne Cerilli.  About 1/3 of the neighbourhood has been canvassed and about 1/3 of the funds required for our maintenance reserve have been secured. A further $80 was donated to the fund at the AGM – thank you to all who chipped in!
  • Shauna MacKinnon invited interested residents to join GeNA’s Safety Committee to explore how to make our neighbourhood a safer place.
  • In a highly unscientific poll, attendees named Jo-Ann Paddock’s oatmeal coconut chocolate chip cookies the winner of the cookie table.

The Herald gave us some great media coverage as well: this article is subscriber-only, but worth a read if you can access it! Glenelm residents gather together – Dylon Martin, February 3rd, 2017.

Open post

Info about GENA’s AGM & Community Meeting – January 25, 2017

Agenda- Glenelm Neighbourhood Association 2017 AGM & Community Meeting

Our first GENA AGM will be taking place on Wednesday, January 25th, 7:30pm at Gordon King Memorial United Church.

(subject to minor changes; final version will be posted at the meeting entrance)

  1. Welcome, housekeeping and call to order
  2. Approval of agenda
  3. Board nominations from the floor
  4. Presentation of candidates for board positions of co-chair, secretary and treasurer
  5. Motion to elect candidates or ballot voting if necessary
  6. GENA financial update
  7. Adjournment of AGM business
  8. Community updates
  9. Meeting wrap-up

Candidates for GENA Board Elections

We asked the candidates to share (1) their name, (2) their top 3 reasons for wanting to serve on the GENA board, (3) their geographic location in the community, and (4) any previous board experience. Here are their responses.

For Co-Chair (2 positions):
1. David Pensato
2. (a) To be part of building on the strengths and future growth of our neighbourhood. (b) To become more familiar with and to build ties with my neighbours. (c) To help strengthen a sense of community in Glenelm among neighbours and businesses.
3. Hart Ave.
4.  I am on the board of The Distillery Communications Pool LTD, and much of my professional work has included working with a variety of company and non-profit boards in the areas of strategic planning, public consultation, and outreach/communications.

  1. Emma Durand-Wood
  2. (a) to help build on the great work that’s been done previously by Glenelm residents (b) to develop stronger relationships with neighbours and other community groups, (c) to help keep Glenelm a wonderful place for people of all ages and walks of life
  3. Cobourg Ave.
  4. No board experience specifically, but I currently serve on the River East/Transcona Local Health Involvement Group, an advisory council that provides feedback and citizen input to the WRHA’s board of directors. I also served in various capacities on a library technicians’ association for several years.

For Secretary:

  1. Shauna MacKinnon
  2. (a) To be sociable and meet my neighbors; (b) to help address identified issues and solutions (c) to give back to the community.
  3. Martin Avenue West
  4. I have no previous board experience; however, in my professional life I am a member of various committees and working groups.

For Treasurer:

  1. Rosalie Block
  2. (a) I want this committee to succeed as I feel it is a worthwhile cause.  I am willing to put in time and effort to help make this a better community (b)  I have always grown up that community is important (c)  I have lived in the Glenelm Community for 24 years and plan on living here for many more years
  3. Martin Ave.
  4. I was a treasurer of the Woman’s Ministry at my Church for 5 years.  I have also owned and operated my own business for many years

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