Open post

Calling all Local Businesses!

By Kara Plett

GENA is looking to compile a directory of home-based businesses in our area. If you want to promote your business (dog-walking, baking, babysitting, Mary Kay, etc.) Please send the following information to

  • Your name or the name of your business
  • Your geographical location in the community (this will not be published unless you want it to be, but is to ensure that this directory is of local businesses.)
  • The services you provide (try to keep this to just a sentence or two)
  • Your contact information (website/social media, Phone Number, Email Address)

The information will be compiled into a directory that can be found on our website.  We also hope to be able to promote your business through future events in our community. Looking forward to hearing all about your business!

–Kara Plett is a Tupperware Consultant and Glenelm resident. Find her on Facebook at Timeless Tupperware with Kara Denay Plett

(photo credit: Tim Mossholder)

Open post

Now Available! Glenelm Community News: December 2016

Dear fellow Glenelmers,

Season’s greetings from the Glenelm Neighbourhood Association!

In this issue of Glenelm Community News you’ll find information on:

  • local Christmas shopping in Glenelm
  • next month’s Annual General Meeting and our first-ever GENA elections
  • a fun, free family event happening this weekend in Elmwood

At this time, I want to thank the people and organizations who supported GENA as we got off the ground this past fall. A big thank-you to Cath McFarlane (Community Facilitator, WRHA), Gordon King Memorial United Church, Chalmers Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation, City Councillor Jason Schreyer, UPS Store #321 at 212 Henderson Hwy, and of course, each and every Glenelm resident who has shared their time and enthusiasm!

On behalf of the GENA core organizers, best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday, and a wonderful new year.

Emma Durand-Wood
Interim Chair

(Photo by Osman Rana)

Open post

Call for Candidates for GENA Board Elections

GENA is looking for a few good board members! We encourage all those interested to present themselves as candidates in the elections at the January 25th AGM. We will try to fill four positions, aiming for a small, pared-down board that will keep things as simple as possible. You’ll be joining an enthusiastic and friendly team of volunteers who have great things in mind for our neighbourhood.

Are you willing to help out? Take a look at the position descriptions listed at,  and then send us an email ( with your brief responses to these questions:

  1. Your name
  2. Top 3 reasons you want to serve on the GENA board
  3. Your geographical location in the community
  4. Any previous experience of serving on a board

Candidate responses will be published in the January issue of our newsletter. AGM attendees will vote by ballot to elect the four board members.

Open post

Glenelm Neighbourhood Association 2017 AGM & Community Meeting

Our first GENA AGM will be taking place on Wednesday, January 25th, 7:30pm at Gordon King Memorial United Church.

The AGM component will consist primarily of elections to name two co-chairs, a treasurer, and a secretary to the GENA board.

For the community meeting component, we are planning to officially launch our new GENA website, share community updates, kick off our Roxy Park Improvements Committee, and have a crime prevention presentation from Winnipeg Police Service.

Did we mention there will also be hot beverages and cookies?

During the winter, many of us go into hibernation and don’t see our neighbours as much as we’d like. This is a great chance to connect and keep in touch with the rest of the neighbourhood. Hope to see many of you there!

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