About GENA

The Glenelm Neighbourhood Association (GENA) is a volunteer-based residents' group whose goals are to connect neighbours to promote economic and social development and cohesion, increase safety, comfort and accessibility for all ages and abilities in the built environment, and develop and advocate for quality amenities and infrastructure that enhance quality of life in the neighbourhood.

History of GENA


The Glenelm Neighbourhood Association (GeNA) was formed in 2010 by a small group of Glenelm residents who came together to try to do something about the deteriorated state of Elmwood Park (known affectionately by locals as Roxy Park), as well as to address other concerns, and build a stronger sense of community within the neighbourhood.

Through much hard work and determination, GeNA was able to secure funding from the city through successful Land Reserve Dedication Fund application, and the first phase of improvements to Roxy Park were completed over the next couple of years.

GeNA also hosted a successful "Party in the Park" in October of 2010 to kick off the group's commitment to maintaining Roxy Park through formal participation in the City of Winnipeg Adopt-a-Park program.

In June of 2011, GeNA held a well-attended community meeting that was designed to be the first stage of the development of a neighbourhood plan. After that, as can happen with volunteer organizations, the steering group that had worked so hard to achieve positive results for Glenelm became inactive due to family and health issues, and the out-of-province moves of key members. At that point, GeNA became dormant for several years.


In April 2016, the city approved an application for a pawn shop to establish on the corner of Henderson Hwy and Hespeler Ave. A large group of residents mobilized to appeal this decision, and to our relief, we were successful! Although the issue was one fraught with worry and concern, there was a silver lining: it brought dozens of neighbours---many of whom did not know each other---together to speak up for our neighbourhood and reach a common goal.

In the midst of our efforts, and again in the aftermath, Glenelm residents repeatedly emphasized that a formal mechanism was needed to improve communication within the neighbourhood, advocate for our area, and create a stronger sense of community. And thus, GENA was reactivated.

In October 2016, with the assistance and guidance of former members of original GeNA steering group, a newly-formed group of Glenelmers interested in reviving GeNA held another community meeting, attended by more than 60 people. Through facilitated large and small group discussions, we identified areas of priority for residents and business owners, and encouraged anyone interested in actively participating to join a group of core organizers.

Executive Committee


As of January 27, 2024, our current executive board members are:

  • Co-Chairs: Michel Durand-Wood [+one vacant position]
  • Secretary: Julia Schroeder
  • Treasurer: Rosalie Block

Board Co-Chair position description:

  • Is a member of the Board
  • Serves as the Chief Volunteer of the organization
  • Provides leadership to the Board
  • Chairs meetings of the Board after developing the agenda with the other board members
  • Encourages Board’s role in strategic planning
  • Helps guide and mediate Board actions with respect to organizational priorities
  • Monitors financial planning and financial reports
  • Plays a leading role in fundraising activities
  • Evaluates annually the performance of the organization in achieving its mission
  • Performs other responsibilities assigned by the Board

Board Secretary position description:

  • Is a member of the Board
  • Maintains records of the board and ensures effective management of organization’s records
  • Manages minutes of board meetings
  • Ensures minutes are distributed to members shortly after each meeting

Board Treasurer position description

  • Is a member of the Board
  • Manages finances of the organization
  • Administrates fiscal matters of the organization
  • Provides annual budget to the board for members’ approval
  • Ensures development and board review of financial policies and procedures
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