You’re Invited: Glenelm Community Safety Information Evening

GeNA invites all of those who live and work in our area to a Community Safety Information Evening.

Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Time: 7:00 p.m. (doors open at 6:30 p.m.)

Place: Gordon-King Memorial United Church, 127 Cobourg Avenue

Guest Speakers:

  • Wayne Elliott, Chair, Communications Committee, Winnipeg Crime Stoppers
  • Wendy Koenig, formerly from Citizens for Crime Awareness (CFCA)

This evening’s presentation will include information on personal safety, how to reduce property crime, and what each of us can do to be a good community member.  After the presentation there will be an opportunity for community members to discuss the possibility of starting a Neighborhood Patrol and any other safety initiatives individuals would like to discuss.  Our goal is to provide the residents with information and to start organizing some initiatives — bring your ideas! Refreshments will be served.

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