By Kara Plett
GENA is looking to compile a directory of home-based businesses in our area. If you want to promote your business (dog-walking, baking, babysitting, Mary Kay, etc.) Please send the following information to
- Your name or the name of your business
- Your geographical location in the community (this will not be published unless you want it to be, but is to ensure that this directory is of local businesses.)
- The services you provide (try to keep this to just a sentence or two)
- Your contact information (website/social media, Phone Number, Email Address)
The information will be compiled into a directory that can be found on our website. We also hope to be able to promote your business through future events in our community. Looking forward to hearing all about your business!
–Kara Plett is a Tupperware Consultant and Glenelm resident. Find her on Facebook at Timeless Tupperware with Kara Denay Plett
(photo credit: Tim Mossholder)