Call for Candidates for GENA Board Elections

GENA is looking for a few good board members! We encourage all those interested to present themselves as candidates in the elections at the January 25th AGM. We will try to fill four positions, aiming for a small, pared-down board that will keep things as simple as possible. You’ll be joining an enthusiastic and friendly team of volunteers who have great things in mind for our neighbourhood.

Are you willing to help out? Take a look at the position descriptions listed at,  and then send us an email ( with your brief responses to these questions:

  1. Your name
  2. Top 3 reasons you want to serve on the GENA board
  3. Your geographical location in the community
  4. Any previous experience of serving on a board

Candidate responses will be published in the January issue of our newsletter. AGM attendees will vote by ballot to elect the four board members.

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