We’re not letting the dead of winter get in the way of staying connected as a community! Mark your calendars for Sunday, January 19th, 2020 – that’s the day of the Glenelm Winter Warmer.
The event runs from 5 to 6:30pm. GeNA is teaming up with the fine folks at the Big Red Church at 127 Cobourg to offer a delicious, low-key 2-in-1 event.
At 5pm, the Big Red Church will host a neighbourhood potluck supper – bring a dish to share! After we eat, GeNA will present a 5-minute AGM, and then there will be free time for visiting and board games – bring your favourite one(s)!
We had a fantastic turnout at last year’s Winter Warmer, and we hope to see many more familiar and new faces this time around. Hope you can join us!