Upcoming Event: A “What Can I Do With These Weeds?” Walk

Have you ever wondered what the heck all the green stuff is that grows in our back lanes? Have you ever thought to yourself, Maybe I can eat/drink/use this stuff in some way? Well, your curiosity is about to be satisfied. GeNA has invited noted local film maker and edible weed enthusiast Joel Penner to Glenelm this Thursday, August 17th at 6:30 to conduct a tour through our own back yards to show us what we have growing here and how it can be used.

We will meet at Gordon-King United Church at 6ish. GeNA is requesting a $5 contribution to help us thank Joel for his time and expertise.

Please RSVP to Mellanie at heysunshine23@gmail.com. Hope to see you there!

(Photo credit: Aaron Burden)

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