Summer Tree Committee Updates

It’s Tree Banding Time!

Volunteer block captains are currently delivering tree banding order forms in most parts of Glenelm! Watch for the green forms and help make our first neighbourhood-wide banding effort a success!

Anti-Dutch Elm Disease Injections

You might come across one of these peculiar setups while out on your neighbourhood rambles this week. What is it, you ask? It’s a fungicidal application from a company called Arbortect that we are doing to help protect key trees in our neighbourhood. Our awesome partners-in-tree-love Green Drop have once again stepped up for us and have agreed to do all the labour involved in the application free of charge! Woo!

We scanned the neighbourhood for elms that are in key locations – that is, locations where, according to the City’s planting guidelines, a replacement tree would not be approved. The fungicide will help the tree resist the fungus that the elm bark beetle brings for three years.

Just one more tool in the arsenal of tricks to help us protect our urban forest. 🙂
We’ll also still be planting new trees in vacant locations on our boulevards. More info/dates to come on that.

A Tree Map of Our Own!

One of our talented Glenelm neighbours, Jocelynn Johnson, is a mapping expert and created this super cool map of all the public trees in the neighbourhood. It is based on open data from the City of Winnipeg and we’re excited for the ways it may help us to track banding and injection efforts or other tree-related endeavours.

It’s also a great way to identify trees that you’re curious about!  Each tree is represented by a circle, each species is a different colour, and the bigger the circle, the bigger the tree.

Check it out and let us know what you think!

Fall ReLeaf Program from Trees Winnipeg

If you missed the Spring 2020 ReLeaf program, don’t despair! There is a fall program with four beautiful species (dogwood, cherry, hackberry and basswood) waiting for homes in your yard! These trees are just $55 each and come with all the information you need to plant and care for them. ***Deadline for orders is September 11, 2020***

Learn more at

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