Results of the 2019 Glenelm Snow Sculpture Challenge

Wow, wow, wow! Our neighbourhood looks incredible with the addition of 24 amazing snow sculptures made for the 2nd annual Glenelm Snow Sculpture Challenge!

Already there seems to be a buzz in the air as neighbours and passers-by stop to talk about and appreciate all the interesting and creative sculptures. A big thank you to all those who participated – your enthusiasm is contagious!

The judge was impressed with all of the snow sculptures, stating “so many entries had something to offer in terms of originality or presentation. What made some of the projects stand out was how they evoked a certain sense of wonder and completeness.”

Though many factors were considered in selecting the winning sculpture, the Sea Dragon at 111 Cobourg was ultimately chosen as the grand prize recipient: “Dynamic and detailed, this creation succeeded in truly bringing the snow to life.”

Honourable mentions include:

  • Spongebob Squarepants & Friends at 157 Glenwood
  • Mushrooms at 108 Cobourg
  • Turtle at 85 Martin
  • Huge Lizard at 320 Glenwood
  • Octopus at 40 Martin

In addition, 17 households were drawn at random to receive participation prizes.

Here is a map of all the registered addresses… we hope you take a stroll and check out each and every one of them!

Here are the photo highlights! Click an image to enlarge, then use the arrows to navigate though the set.

A big thank-you to everyone who participated; our judge, professional snow sculptor Denis Vrignon-Tessier; our event photographer, Robert Dearden of Avenue Photography Studio; and also our very generous sponsors, without whom this event would not have been possible! Please make sure to show them your support in return!

Our Amazing Sponsors
GeNA warmly thanks our event sponsors for their generosity and commitment to our community! Please show them your support in return.

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