Meandering Music is back this summer with TWO nights! July 13th & August 17th, 2024!
Rain or shine, the shows will go on! Bring your umbrellas if needed!
Make your way about the neighbourhood as you take in a handful of front-porch concerts for two nights at the 2024 edition of Meandering Music in Glenelm. Inspired by the idea of a progressive dinner party, this event will take you from one porch to the next for half-hour musical performances. Bring your lawn chair and clap along to music in the key of (G)lenelm.
When: starting at 7:00 pm
July 13th Locations Schedule:
7:00pm – 121 Harbison Ave W
7:45pm – 75 Martin Ave W
8:30pm – 232 Glenwood Cres
9:15pm – 121 Hart Ave
August 17th Locations Schedule:
7:00pm – 47 Cobourg Ave
7:45pm – 90 Cobourg Ave
8:30pm – 108 Harbison Ave W
9:15pm – 296 Glenwood Cres
Still have questions? We may just have the answers! Read on for some FAQs.
So, what is it, exactly?
4 live music concerts, all at different locations throughout Glenelm.
What should I bring?
Something to sit on, if you’re into that kind of thing. That can be a blanket, a chair, or whatever else that is easy to move from one concert venue to the next.
Where should I sit during the concert?
In the front yard, on the sidewalk, on city property closer to the street. Wherever you feel comfortable, within reason, all the while respecting your fellow neighbours and property.
How much does it cost?
It’s free.
How long are the concerts?
30-minute sets.
What if I have more questions?
Send them to glenelmcommunity [at] gmail [dot] com. Someone will get back to you asap.
Photos from last year!!
Big thanks to Glenelm resident Gerald Regehr, for sharing his beautiful photos from the July 15th, 2023 edition of Meandering Music.
*Click on an image to see full-size*