July Issue of Glenelm Community News

Maybe it’s the shade of our beloved elm canopies, the sight of sidewalk chalk designs, the sounds of reel mowers and evening sprinklers, or maybe it’s simply the warm feeling we get when we greet a neighbour out enjoying the sunshine. There’s no denying it: there’s something extra wonderful about summertime in our neighbourhood.

This month we are excited to share several upcoming GeNA events: a “weed walk“, a community picnic, and a garage/bake sale fundraiser, plus other useful info on what’s happening in our neighbourhood. We also invite you to join one of our upcoming safety patrol evening walks, and provide some tips on safety, property maintenance, and more.

Hope you enjoy this issue of Glenelm Community News, and as always, feel free to send your feedback, comments, questions, etc., to glenelmcommunity@gmail.com.

Get the July edition of Glenelm Community News here.

(photo credit: Daniel Watson)

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