Glenelm Gardening Club Update

by Arlie Schulz

The Glenelm Gardening Club is a group of people living in Glenelm who love to garden and help to make Glenelm a more beautiful place.

We help to keep Roxy (Elmwood) Park and Hespeler Park clean by weeding and picking up garbage.  All the work we do is supported by the City of Winnipeg Parks Department. We get grants to buy flowers to plant in Roxy park.

We also plant and maintain the flower beds at the Elmwood Cemetery entrance and the butterfly garden in the center of the cemetery.

How can you become involved?

  1. We meet twice a month.  Join us on a Monday or Tuesday evening and help with weeding or planting
  2. Volunteer to water plants in the  park or cemetery  on a given day of the week  through the summer
  3. Make a donation to the cemetery to help pay for the flowers we plant. Cheques can be made out to Friends of Elmwood Cemetery with “Flower Program” written in the memo and dropped off at the cemetery office. Any donation of $20 or more will receive a tax deductible receipt.
  4. Invite our group of gardeners to visit your own garden for a tour

To have your name added to the gardening club email list or if you have any questions, please email me at aeschulz [at] mymts [dot] net.

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