Open post

Join a Group Bike-in to the Exchange District (August 2)

Did you know that it’s easy and pleasant to bike to the Exchange District from Glenelm?

This summer, the Exchange District BIZ is hosting safe and fun group “bike-ins” for First Fridays. On August 2nd, you can join in the Transcona/Henderson bike-in, with timed meet-up points at Elmwood High School or Henderson Hwy @ Johnson Ave.

These group rides are fun and relaxing and a great way to discover the safest and most convenient routes from numerous different neighbourhoods throughout Winnipeg.

Learn more and sign up for free here:

Open post

Got Plants? Need Plants? 

Dividing perennials or have extra plants that you’re not using? Please feel free to drop them off at the Lil Free Plant Stand at the corner of Harbison Ave W and Glenwood Crescent! Or check out the ever-rotating selection at the stand to add to your garden.

Open post

Meandering Music is this Saturday!

Meandering Music is back! Make your way about the neighbourhood as you take in a handful of front-porch concerts. This is the first of two nights for the 2024 edition of Meandering Music in Glenelm (the second evening will be August 17).

Inspired by the idea of a progressive dinner party, this event will take you from one porch to the next for half-hour musical performances. Bring your lawn chair and clap along to music in the key of (G)lenelm. More details & FAQs here!

July 13th Locations Schedule:
7:00pm – 121 Harbison Ave W
7:45pm – 75 Martin Ave W
8:30pm – 232 Glenwood Cres
9:15pm – 121 Hart Ave

Rain or shine, the show will go on! Bring your umbrellas if needed!

Open post

Elmwood Night Market – August 23, 2024

Elmwood Night Market is back this August! A fusion of art, food and music, with 50+ local artisans, 5+ food trucks and live entertainment.

Free admission!

Friday, August 23rd, 2024

5-9pm at 180 Poplar Ave (field behind Lord Selkirk School)

Let’s help Elmwood’s Emergency Food Pantry! Please bring a non-perishable canned good.

Open post

Glenelm Gardening Club Update

by Arlie Schulz

The Glenelm Gardening Club is a group of people living in Glenelm who love to garden and help to make Glenelm a more beautiful place.

We help to keep Roxy (Elmwood) Park and Hespeler Park clean by weeding and picking up garbage.  All the work we do is supported by the City of Winnipeg Parks Department. We get grants to buy flowers to plant in Roxy park.

We also plant and maintain the flower beds at the Elmwood Cemetery entrance and the butterfly garden in the center of the cemetery.

How can you become involved?

  1. We meet twice a month.  Join us on a Monday or Tuesday evening and help with weeding or planting
  2. Volunteer to water plants in the  park or cemetery  on a given day of the week  through the summer
  3. Make a donation to the cemetery to help pay for the flowers we plant. Cheques can be made out to Friends of Elmwood Cemetery with “Flower Program” written in the memo and dropped off at the cemetery office. Any donation of $20 or more will receive a tax deductible receipt.
  4. Invite our group of gardeners to visit your own garden for a tour

To have your name added to the gardening club email list or if you have any questions, please email me at aeschulz [at] mymts [dot] net.

Open post

June at Gordie’s Coffeehouse

Another season of Gordie’s Coffeehouse (7-11pm inside The Big Red Church at 127 Cobourg Ave) will soon wrap up. If you’ve never been, get the scoop here!

Here’s a look at the lineup for the last few weeks before the summer break (and never fear, Gordie’s returns in the fall).

June 6  – Grant Simpson
June 13 – Dan Silas & Friends
June 20 – WANG DANG DOODLE OPEN MIC EXTRAVAGANZA: This is the Gordie’s year end fundraiser in support of House of Hesed, an HIV/AIDS home here in Winnipeg. Gordie’s has supported House of Hesed for 17 seasons. Wang Dang Doodle is a fun night of music and silent auction. Admission is $5.00 plus non-perishable tin for the bin.

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