Open post

Upcoming Event: Glenelm Community Clean-Up – April 29th, 2017

GeNA is excited to announce our first-ever community clean-up! Come on out on Saturday, April 29th, meet your neighbours, and help tidy the neighbourhood. We’ll meet at Gordon King Memorial United Church at 1pm, and provide participants with garbage bags, gloves, snacks and water.

If you’d like to join us, please help us plan for supplies and snacks by signing up at Hope to see many of you there!

GeNA is grateful for the support of Take Pride Winnipeg!

If the weather doesn’t cooperate, our rain date is the following Saturday, May 6th. If we do need to postpone, we’ll make a note of that here at and send an email out to our mailing list.

Open post

Volunteers Needed! 16th Annual Happy Days on Henderson

The Happy Days on Henderson Planning Committee has put out a call for volunteers for the 16th Annual Happy Days on Henderson on June 17, 2017 from 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM (Facebook Event link).

Happy Days on Henderson is a FREE and fun event for the entire family. Volunteers are needed for a variety of roles including, but not limited to, canvassing before the event, set-up in the early morning, greeters, helpers at the different stations such as bouncers, carnival games and site clean-up! If you would like to volunteer this year, please let the organizers know by emailing with your availability.

Volunteer Orientation Night: (Link to Volunteer Orientation Facebook Event)

Date: Wednesday, June 14th, 2017
Time: 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm with food/refreshments available (Pizza). Please notify us if you have any food allergies.
Location: 81 Henderson Hwy (corner of Henderson and Talbot) at the Happy Days Event Site
R.S.V.P. by May 1, 2017.

Open post

Upcoming Events in Our Area

April 1st: Rummage Sale at GKM 

Gordon King Memorial United Church is having a rummage sale on Saturday, April 1, 2017 from 9:30am-1pm. Household items, toys, furniture, clothing, etc.

April 6th: Women’s Self Defence Workshop 

Riverwood Church’s The Refuge program is holding a free women’s self defence workshop on Thursday, April 6th, 2017, 6:30-8:30pm at 325 Talbot Ave (The Firehall). Facilitated by Chris Friesen, this is a women’s-only event, with childcare provided. There is no charge, but registration is required.

To register, contact or call (204) 668-3181 ext. 220

April – June: Home Repair Workshops

There are several free home repair workshops coming up over the next few months as part of the Chalmers Community Renewal Initiative.

April 17: How to Find & Hire a Contractor
April 24: City By-law & Liveability/Manitoba Housing Repair Grants
May 1: How to Maintain your Home Exterior
May 8: How to Fix Electrical
May 15: Manitoba Hydro Program Info/How to Insulate Attics and Walls
May 29: How to Patch and Paint
June 5: Pest Control/How to Fix Foundations
June 12: How to Fix Plumbing

All workshops feature snacks, child minding and door prizes! To register, contact Liz (call/text) at204-333-9867 or

(photo credit: Eric Rothermel)

Open post

New Glenelm Business: Henderson Meats & Deli

The neighbourhood is buzzing with the news that a butcher and deli has moved into our area! Henderson Meats and Deli is now open at 260 Henderson Hwy. The store carries fresh and frozen meats, sausage, deli meats, bread, Polish foods, etc.

Store hours are currently 10-5, Monday to Friday, but they are hoping to have longer hours before too long. Find the store on Facebook at “Henderson Meats and Deli 260 Henderson Hwy” or call 222-3019.

A warm Glenelm welcome to Henderson Meats & Deli — we are so glad to have a food store in our area again!

(photo credit: Henderson Meats & Deli Facebook page)

Open post

Glenelm Spring Cleanup

Now that the snow has receded a bit, have you noticed that our neighbourhood isn’t looking quite as clean and tidy as it could? GeNA is excited to be planning a community spring cleanup event in the coming weeks. This will complement the efforts of our young friends at Glenelm School, who help with litter pick-up around this time every year.

Stay tuned for more details and how you can get involved!

(photo credit: Vectorbeast)

Open post

Upcoming Event: Town Hall Meeting on Affordable Housing in Elmwood

If you have thoughts about affordable housing in our neighbourhood, you might be interested in this event:

Please join Daniel Blaikie for a Town Hall on affordable housing

The evening will include a presentation on the housing market by the Social Planning Council of Winnipeg, and a discussion of the social impacts of the Elmwood housing data by community members, the Chalmers Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation and the Elmwood Community Resource Centre.

When: Monday, March 13th, 2017
Time: 7pm – coffee at 6:30pm
Where: Elmwood EK Active Living Centre, 180 Poplar Ave

Open post

Upcoming Events In & Close to Glenelm

Upcoming Events in Our Area

Feb 4th: Quiz Night at GKM

Gordon King Memorial United Church is having a Quiz Night Fundraiser on Feb 4th!

Feb 6th: Soapmaking Workshop [update: this has been rescheduled to Feb 20th]

Learn to make soap the old-fashioned traditional way! There will be a soapmaking workshop at Gordon King Memorial United Church on Feb 6th at 7:30pm.  [update: this workshop has been rescheduled to Feb 20th at 7:30pm]

Instructor Allan Labun has been making soap for close to 60 years and sources ingredients locally. He is passionate about his craft, and this will be a fun and educational hands-on workshop. Cost is only $3.00 to cover supplies.

Please email Angie at to sign up. Please note, registration is limited to 20 people.

(photo credit: Kristina Balic)

Feb 8th: Happy Days on Henderson volunteer meeting

Feb 17th: Murder Mystery & Pasta Dinner Fundraiser

Feb 20th: Sleigh Rides & Hot Chocolate at Elmwood Cemetery

Elmwood Cemetery will be doing a sleigh ride on Monday, February 20, 2017 (Louis Riel Day) from noon- 3pm. Hot chocolate will be provided and donations are gratefully accepted!

(photo credit: Annie Spratt)

Feb 25th: 3rd Annual Elmwood Winter Fun Day

Presented by CNRC and other community groups, the Elmwood Winter Fun Day is held at Clara Hughes Recreation Park the afternoon of Feb 25th. More details will be forthcoming!

(photo credit: Ross Kohl)

Open post

Calling all Local Businesses!

By Kara Plett

GENA is looking to compile a directory of home-based businesses in our area. If you want to promote your business (dog-walking, baking, babysitting, Mary Kay, etc.) Please send the following information to

  • Your name or the name of your business
  • Your geographical location in the community (this will not be published unless you want it to be, but is to ensure that this directory is of local businesses.)
  • The services you provide (try to keep this to just a sentence or two)
  • Your contact information (website/social media, Phone Number, Email Address)

The information will be compiled into a directory that can be found on our website.  We also hope to be able to promote your business through future events in our community. Looking forward to hearing all about your business!

–Kara Plett is a Tupperware Consultant and Glenelm resident. Find her on Facebook at Timeless Tupperware with Kara Denay Plett

(photo credit: Tim Mossholder)

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