Open post

Elmwood Community Safety Meeting – Jan 27

Chalmers Neighbourhood Renewal is organizing a community safety committee, and all Elmwood residents are invited.

Come and learn what’s happening in the neighbourhood and share your ideas on how we can improve safety, prevent crime, and nurture a stronger and healthier community.

  • Date: Monday, January 27th, 2025
  • Time: 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
  • Location: 180 Poplar Avenue
  • Supper to be provided
Open post

Upcoming Event: Winter Warmer & GeNA AGM (Feb 1, 2025)

After a big day of snow sculpting, join your neighbours at the Glenelm Winter Warmer, February 1, 2025 from 4:30pm to 6:30pm at the Big Red Church (127 Cobourg Ave). 

This is our mid-winter potluck and community catch-up, and we take care of “the business of GeNA” with our short & sweet 5-minute AGM.

Bring a dish to share (see here for tips on potluck food prep best practices) and we will provide beverages.

We will also be drawing names for Snow Sculpture Challenge participation prizes! (But don’t worry, you don’t have to be at the Winter Warmer in order to get a prize.)

Open post

The 8th Annual Glenelm Snow Sculpture Challenge is officially ON!

Well, it sure is feeling like winter in Winnipeg right now, isn’t it? While some like to hunker down and hibernate, we know folks in our neighbourhood have a few cold-weather coping strategies up their sleeves. And in that spirit, we are excited to announce it’s once again time for a Glenelm winter classic: the 8th Annual Glenelm Snow Sculpture Challenge. Start thinking about what you’ll create out of snow or ice in your front yard on Saturday, February 1, 2025!

Participating is easy:

  1. Set up a box or form in your front yard. Fill it with snow.
  2. Let it sit for a day or two. Remove the box.
  3. Have fun and make something cool.  All sculptures that are registered will be entered into a draw for tons of participation prizes and our neighbourhood will be transformed into a snowy art gallery!

So show us your best snow creations! There is no judging – all ages and skill levels are encouraged. Plus, it’ll be lots of fun, we promise!  

It’s completely free to participate, but be sure to fill out the short registration form so that we can include you on our map and enter you in the prize draw.

Need more info/ideas/inspiration? Check out for FAQs, photos from previous years and more. 

Huge thanks to our sponsors, who make this event possible:

David & Chris Unruh
Open post

Winter Movie Matinee – January 4, 2025

On Saturday, January 4, 2025, join us for a FREE family movie afternoon at 3pm! We’ll be showing The Wild Robot.

We’ll be setting up the screen and seating in the basement of the Big Red Church (127 Cobourg Ave) but feel free to bring your beanbags and blankets to be extra comfy and cozy. Doors will open at around 2:30pm.

There will be free popcorn (bring your own bowl, please!) and drinks while supplies last.

Be sure to subscribe to our GeNA newsletter for reminders and more upcoming events. You’ll find the signup form at the bottom of this webpage.

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