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RAIN OR SHINE! Aug 27 is Meandering Music in Glenelm 2021

Aug 27 update: rain or shine, the show will go on! Bring your umbrellas!

On Friday, August 27th, 2021, make your way about the neighbourhood as you take in a handful of front-porch concerts. Inspired by the idea of a progressive dinner party, this event will take you from one street to the next for half-hour musical performances. Bring your lawn chair and clap along to music in the key of (G)lenelm. The music starts at 6:00 pm. Get all the details here!

Open post

It’s Banding Time!

It’s time to band together!

After the huge success of our first-ever neighbourhood-wide tree banding campaign last year, we are kicking off this year’s program in the coming days. Watch your mailbox for a green flyer like the one above!

It will give you the name of your block captain and info about how tree banding helps to prevent cankerworm infestations, which can completely defoliate trees in just a couple of weeks.

Photo creditChris Hsia under license CC BY-SA 2.0

While their leaves will grow back, trees are weakened and less able fight off disease and other insect pests. Plus, walking through webs of silk and slippery cankerworm poop is really unpleasant. (Remember the “wormageddon” we had in Glenelm in 2019? That’s what we are trying to prevent.)

New for this year, you can pay for your banding order by:

  • Cash
  • Cheque to GeNA
  • Interac eTransfer to GeNA (auto-deposit; no security Q&A required)

Last year we managed to band almost all the boulevard trees in Glenelm, plus many in the parks, too. Let’s see if we can get even better coverage this year!

Watch for a flyer in your mailbox in the next week. Orders will be due by August 25. Questions? Please email

Big thanks to all the block captains who are volunteering their time & energy for this project!

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