Open post

July Events in & Around Glenelm

First Fridays Bike-In – Meeting Point at MBCI

Back for a second summer, the Exchange District BIZ is organizing group rides from different places in the city to the Exchange on First Fridays. This coming Friday, July 5th, the ride begins in northeast Winnipeg at Fraser’s Grove Park, and includes a meeting point at MBCI, just across Henderson from Elmwood Cemetery.

“Our guides take you on a leisurely ride into the Exchange District for First Fridays – where you can enjoy our outdoor Alleyways Market, art studios, shops open late, and an array of watering holes and eateries! The route is safe, fun, and offers meet up points along the way.” 

Check out to register & for more details.

Farmers Markets Near Glenelm

Were you a fan of the farmers market that ran at Kildonan MCC Thrift Store for the past 5 years? There are some changes this year, including a new location and day of the week. 

The Munroe Ave. Farmers Market will be hosted by Holy Eucharist Parish in partnership with Bronx Park and Chalmers Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation.

The Munroe Avenue Farmers Market will be open every Wednesday from 3 p.m. until 7 p.m. August 14 until September 18.  

The Bronx Park Farmers Market will be open every Saturday from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.June 1 until September 28.

Open post

2019 Glenelm Family Movie in the Park — Cast your Vote!

On August 24, come out to Roxy Park for a free family movie and popcorn in the great outdoors!

The movie will begin at sunset, which is around 8:30pm. The only question is: which movie should we show?


The winning movie and more details will be announced soon. Stay tuned!

Thanks to….

Family Movie in the Park is made possible through generous support from an Assiniboine Credit Union community sponsorship, a City of Winnipeg per capita grant, help from the Chalmers Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation… and neighbours like you!

Open post

Glenelm Boulevard Trees Project Update

A little update from the GeNA Tree Committee: exciting news! One of our members met with the City’s Urban Forestry department to discuss our “wish list” – that is, our list of desired planting sites on boulevards throughout the neighbourhood. Of the 66 sites we proposed, 57 have been accepted! Some of the sites we first proposed ended up being unsuitable, but we found some new ones! 

This brings us one step closer to fully reforested boulevards in Glenelm. The trees being planted as part of our project will go in this fall or next spring. Our funding will also go towards rapid re-planting of boulevard trees removed due to Dutch Elm Disease this summer.

In the meantime, we have 36 beautiful young trees on our boulevards that were part of the City’s scheduled re-plantings in late May. Please help them out by giving them some water, especially when it’s really hot out.

Open post

Glenelm Family Bike Jam this Sunday, June 23

GeNA is excited to invite everyone in the neighbourhood to join our first-ever all-ages bike jam! Come on out and see how easy and comfortable it is to get from Glenelm to The Forks by bike. 

Here’s what’s in store:

1:00pm Rendezvous at Glenelm School and visit the bike decorating station. You’lll be able to beautify your bike with colourful decorations and awesome valve cap lights!
1:30pm Group ride overview and safety orientation with bike coach Robb Massey
2:00pm Heading out!  Our route map is below. Once we arrive at The Forks, you’ll be free to explore on your own. Play at the playground, get ice cream or coffee, ride your bike some more – there are lots of options!
4:00pm (approx) Join a group ride back to Glenelm, or leave whenever you are ready. 

Big thanks to the Healthy Together Now grant and MPI for their support of this event! 

Open post

Save the Dates & Call for Volunteers

GeNA’s core organizers are working on planning these events (and others that are still top secret!). Are you interested in volunteering or delivering flyers? We always need extra hands. Please get in touch!

  • Glenelm Family Bike Jam to the Forks – Sunday afternoon, June 23rd. We are finalizing details and will share very soon!
  • Movie Night in Roxy Park — Saturday, August 24th. We’re bringing back the giant 29-foot screen for a fun & free family movie night. 
  • Community Picnic in the Park — Sunday, September 8th.  Come meet neighbours old and new… this is GeNA’s biggest event of the year and we can’t wait!

Open post

Volunteer Gardeners & Plants Needed for Elmwood Cemetery

Calling all gardeners! The Elmwood Cemetery needs volunteers to help maintain the flower beds over the summer. Volunteers are also needed for edging markers. If you are able to help, please phone Rhonda at 204-667-3843 or email

If you are unable to volunteer your time, you can also help by donating plants or money towards a new butterfly garden. Some plants suggestions that we are looking for in the butterfly garden are milkweed, cone flowers, verbena, salvia, phlox, black eyed Susan, coreopsis, sedum, liatris, or Shasta daisies. 

Donations may be dropped off at the cemetery office Monday to Friday 9:00-4:30. Or they can be dropped off at 28 Leslie Ave (the home of our GeNA-Elmwood Cemetery liaison volunteer). Plants can be left on the front deck and monetary donations can be dropped into the mail slot on the front door. Please write “butterfly garden” on the envelope.

Thank you for supporting our beautiful cemetery!

Open post

History Talk in Elmwood Cemetery – Sunday June 9th

GeNA is partnering with the North East Winnipeg Historical Society for a “sitting tour” at Elmwood Cemetery.

The event is at 1pm in section 6A (middle of the cemetery) of the historic cemetery which gave its name to the surrounding area.  Opening in 1902, it is the oldest non-denominational cemetery in western Canada.  We will discuss approx. 48 prominent people/families.  Bring your lawn chair, blanket, umbrella, etc.  There will be flag markers on the gravesites, so you can wander to view during or after the tour.  The ground is uneven so proper walking shoes are recommended.

There will be free refreshments courtesy of GeNA!

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