Open post

Open House – See Plans for the Vacant Lot at Henderson & Johnson!

At long last, we have some positive news to share about the vacant former gas station site at the corner of Henderson and Johnson!

The Friends of 243 Henderson Working Group, which was formed thanks to leadership by Chalmers Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation and includes representatives from GeNA, invites everyone to attend an Open House to provide feedback on a proposed plan to revitalize this site.

Open post

Sweets & Seeds 2019

It’s spring in Glenelm and that means it’s almost time for Sweets & Seeds, our Fundraising Bake Sale & Plant/Seed Swap!

The 2-in-1 event takes place Saturday, May 25th from 10am-12pm at the Big Red Church, 127 Cobourg. Here’s what you need to know.

Fundraiser Bake Sale: Home-baked treats, hot coffee & tea for purchase, with all proceeds going to GeNA.  (Interested in donating baking? Please contact Thank you! )

Plus, our generous neighbourhood honey maker John Russell will be back to sell delicious Manitoba honey in support of GeNA.

Plant & Seed Swap: bring your seeds, cuttings and plants to swap with other Glenelm gardeners. 

Kids can receive a free “grow-your-own-pumpkin” starter kit!  

Open post

2019 Glenelm Spring Cleanup

Saturday, April 27th at 1pm — meet at the Big Red Church, 127 Cobourg

Our 3rd annual spring cleanup is almost here! Bring your energy, water bottle, and gloves if you’ve got them; we’ll provide the bags, some gloves and pickers, and light snacks. Teams will be organized and stationed throughout the neighbourhood to tidy our parks, back lanes, and boulevards.

Open post

Finally, Some Good News About Trees!

GeNA’s Tree Committee is positively thrilled to announce that plans are well underway to replant a significant number of missing boulevard trees in Glenelm this summer! More details will be shared soon.

See: City looks to residents, community groups to make up for shortfall of new trees (Winnipeg Free Press, March 27, 2019)

Big thanks to the City of Winnipeg Urban Forestry Department and Councillor Jason Schreyer for their support of this project!

GeNA has taken an active role not only in securing funding for our own neighbourhood’s trees, but also in advocating for better funding for urban forestry at the city level.

Members of the Tree Committee spoke as a delegation during last month’s municipal budget deliberations.

See: Councillors reject call to scrap 36% cut to urban forest spending (Winnipeg Free Press, March 8, 2019)

Open post

Spring 2019 GeNA Events

We have lots of great events coming up this spring! Stay tuned for more details on the following events in the works:

  • Spring cleanup
  • Sweets & Seeds (fundraiser bake sale + seed/plant swap)
  • Early morning birdwatching walk
  • Historical walking tour of Elmwood Cemetery
  • Family-friendly group bike ride

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