For the past 18 months or so, a group of a dozen Glenelm volunteers has been the driving force of the Glenelm Neighbourhood Association – planning and running events to help people connect and working behind the scenes to make our neighbourhood safer and more beautiful. Now that we have our association up and running fairly smoothly, we are actively looking for more volunteers. How can you get involved?
1) Join our team of “core organizers”. We meet once a month, generally on a weekday evening, to share information and plan events and initiatives. We would love to see new faces here. Come and see what a friendly bunch we are and whether joining our team is something you’d consider. Our next meeting is Tuesday, April 17th at 7pm. Email for more details!
2) Help with flyer delivery. To get the word out to as many people as possible, we do occasional flyer drops to all the households in Glenelm. We will have one in the next couple weeks. If you enjoy walking outdoors and can spare an hour to deliver flyers to houses on a particular street, this would be a good fit. Get in touch at if you’d like to help.
3) Volunteer at events. We keep running lists of people who are interested in volunteering at (what we expect will be) annual events such as our spring cleanup, picnic in the park, safety patrol, etc. If you are open to helping out with events from time to time, please let us know at