Open post

Info about GENA’s AGM & Community Meeting – January 25, 2017

Agenda- Glenelm Neighbourhood Association 2017 AGM & Community Meeting

Our first GENA AGM will be taking place on Wednesday, January 25th, 7:30pm at Gordon King Memorial United Church.

(subject to minor changes; final version will be posted at the meeting entrance)

  1. Welcome, housekeeping and call to order
  2. Approval of agenda
  3. Board nominations from the floor
  4. Presentation of candidates for board positions of co-chair, secretary and treasurer
  5. Motion to elect candidates or ballot voting if necessary
  6. GENA financial update
  7. Adjournment of AGM business
  8. Community updates
  9. Meeting wrap-up

Candidates for GENA Board Elections

We asked the candidates to share (1) their name, (2) their top 3 reasons for wanting to serve on the GENA board, (3) their geographic location in the community, and (4) any previous board experience. Here are their responses.

For Co-Chair (2 positions):
1. David Pensato
2. (a) To be part of building on the strengths and future growth of our neighbourhood. (b) To become more familiar with and to build ties with my neighbours. (c) To help strengthen a sense of community in Glenelm among neighbours and businesses.
3. Hart Ave.
4.  I am on the board of The Distillery Communications Pool LTD, and much of my professional work has included working with a variety of company and non-profit boards in the areas of strategic planning, public consultation, and outreach/communications.

  1. Emma Durand-Wood
  2. (a) to help build on the great work that’s been done previously by Glenelm residents (b) to develop stronger relationships with neighbours and other community groups, (c) to help keep Glenelm a wonderful place for people of all ages and walks of life
  3. Cobourg Ave.
  4. No board experience specifically, but I currently serve on the River East/Transcona Local Health Involvement Group, an advisory council that provides feedback and citizen input to the WRHA’s board of directors. I also served in various capacities on a library technicians’ association for several years.

For Secretary:

  1. Shauna MacKinnon
  2. (a) To be sociable and meet my neighbors; (b) to help address identified issues and solutions (c) to give back to the community.
  3. Martin Avenue West
  4. I have no previous board experience; however, in my professional life I am a member of various committees and working groups.

For Treasurer:

  1. Rosalie Block
  2. (a) I want this committee to succeed as I feel it is a worthwhile cause.  I am willing to put in time and effort to help make this a better community (b)  I have always grown up that community is important (c)  I have lived in the Glenelm Community for 24 years and plan on living here for many more years
  3. Martin Ave.
  4. I was a treasurer of the Woman’s Ministry at my Church for 5 years.  I have also owned and operated my own business for many years
Open post

Upcoming Events In & Close to Glenelm

Upcoming Events in Our Area

Feb 4th: Quiz Night at GKM

Gordon King Memorial United Church is having a Quiz Night Fundraiser on Feb 4th!

Feb 6th: Soapmaking Workshop [update: this has been rescheduled to Feb 20th]

Learn to make soap the old-fashioned traditional way! There will be a soapmaking workshop at Gordon King Memorial United Church on Feb 6th at 7:30pm.  [update: this workshop has been rescheduled to Feb 20th at 7:30pm]

Instructor Allan Labun has been making soap for close to 60 years and sources ingredients locally. He is passionate about his craft, and this will be a fun and educational hands-on workshop. Cost is only $3.00 to cover supplies.

Please email Angie at to sign up. Please note, registration is limited to 20 people.

(photo credit: Kristina Balic)

Feb 8th: Happy Days on Henderson volunteer meeting

Feb 17th: Murder Mystery & Pasta Dinner Fundraiser

Feb 20th: Sleigh Rides & Hot Chocolate at Elmwood Cemetery

Elmwood Cemetery will be doing a sleigh ride on Monday, February 20, 2017 (Louis Riel Day) from noon- 3pm. Hot chocolate will be provided and donations are gratefully accepted!

(photo credit: Annie Spratt)

Feb 25th: 3rd Annual Elmwood Winter Fun Day

Presented by CNRC and other community groups, the Elmwood Winter Fun Day is held at Clara Hughes Recreation Park the afternoon of Feb 25th. More details will be forthcoming!

(photo credit: Ross Kohl)

Open post

A Blast from the Past

As part of our research into the history of Roxy Park (officially known as Elmwood Park) we were able to access some (very) old images of the wading pool… these are from 1923 and 1925!

We had intended to kick off our Roxy Park improvements committee at the AGM, but due to unforeseen circumstances that project has been temporarily postponed. In the meantime, we are looking for other historical photos or recollections of the park. If you have old photos, stories, or other artifacts, please get in touch  (! We would love to capture them.

Children’s Playground In Elmwood Park, Winnipeg
Children’s Playground In Elmwood Park, Winnipeg

Photos used with permission from the Western Canada Pictorial Index – University of Winnipeg Library

Open post

Calling all Local Businesses!

By Kara Plett

GENA is looking to compile a directory of home-based businesses in our area. If you want to promote your business (dog-walking, baking, babysitting, Mary Kay, etc.) Please send the following information to

  • Your name or the name of your business
  • Your geographical location in the community (this will not be published unless you want it to be, but is to ensure that this directory is of local businesses.)
  • The services you provide (try to keep this to just a sentence or two)
  • Your contact information (website/social media, Phone Number, Email Address)

The information will be compiled into a directory that can be found on our website.  We also hope to be able to promote your business through future events in our community. Looking forward to hearing all about your business!

–Kara Plett is a Tupperware Consultant and Glenelm resident. Find her on Facebook at Timeless Tupperware with Kara Denay Plett

(photo credit: Tim Mossholder)

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